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🔷 OPPAGO EXTRA LARGE Glass Food Container 🔷


🦊 Highlights 产品特点 :

✔️ High Borosilicate Glass Material - High Endurance with Extremely Hot and Cold without Cracks

高硼硅玻璃材质保鲜盒 - 不会因不均匀受热导致破裂,遇到极冷极热也不怕!


✔️ EXTRA LARGE Volume - Superb Suitable To Contain Large Volume of Food

容量超~大 - 可容纳非常大量食物 适合储存体积大、多量的食物 !


✔️ Moisture proof - Effectively Keep Food in Fresh

防潮 - 食物保持新鲜不变味


✔️ High Heat Resistance - Able to Heat Using Oven ,Microwave ,Steamer , Stove ,Dishwasher...

微波炉、蒸汽炉、烤箱、电磁炉... 加热专用 - 脱盖 加热 轻松搞定


✔️ Freeze Resistance - Prevent From Cracking In Frozen

耐冷保鲜 - 冷冻雪藏不破裂 食物保持新鲜


✔️ Storage Saver - Save From Messy Kitchen/ Fridge

节省空间 - 使用它 可以确保您的厨房、冰箱不再凌乱


Package A = (6 pcs) 2260ml x 3 Free 1040ml x 3

Package C = 6000ml x 1

Package D = (4 pcs)

👉1200ml Square, 1750ml Round, 1540ml Rectangle,

2260ml Rectangle

Package E = (8 pcs)

👉370ml Rectangle, 640ml Rectangle, 520ml Square,

800ml Square, 620ml Round, 950ml Round

(🎁FREE 320ml Square, 400ml Round)


🦊Specifications 产品信息:

✔️ Box Material: High Borosilicate Glass

✔️ Cover Material: Food Grade PP Material

✔️ Sealing Strip: Silicone

✔️ 2260ML : 25cm (W) x 20cm (L) x 8cm (H)

FREE 1040ML : 20cm (W) x 15cm (L) x 6cm (H)

✔️ 4500ML : 29cm (W) x 23cm (L) x 9cm (H)

✔️ 6000ML : 29cm (W) x 33cm (L) x 13cm (H)



⚠ Tips 注意 :

📌 Cannot Cooked by Using Stove



📌 Not Advised to Heat with Stove by Using High Heat /Full flame

不建议使用电磁炉/瓦斯炉 高温/大火 加热


📌 Take off cover to avoid out of shape when heating

加热时, 为了避免盖子变形, 建议取下盖子加热


📌 Avoid touching high temp. container with hand after heating

保鲜盒加热后, 玻璃温度较高, 请勿用手直接拿取


📌 If heating with cover, open the vent to open container easily

如果带着盒盖加热, 盖子会吸附在盒子上, 请打开排气孔, 之后可轻松开盖





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